EUOzCEC Outcomes
Centre of Excellence activities
The outcomes of the Centre of Excellence for EU - Australia Economic Cooperation (EUOzCEC) include public and specialist events, publications and educational/dissemination activities.
two public conferences focussed on third country interactions with the EU, bringing together academic and policy practitioners, and accessible to students and civil society;
two specialist academic workshops.
the establishment of a specialist academic network;
an edited collection on the issue of third country interaction with the EU;
policy papers covering the different country cases; and
a digital presence on the ANU Centre for European Studies website to disseminate information and ensure longevity of Project outcomes.
Public Lectures
Public Lecture 1/6 (25 February 2019, 5–6.30pm)
The first public lecture was delivered by Professor Richard G. Whitman (Global Europe Centre and the University of Kent) and Anne McNaughton (ANUCES). Professor Whitman delivered a seminar “Brexit: Implications for the EU and the UK”. The economic implications of Brexit are significant for both the EU and third countries such as Australia. The UK has been a participant in the European integration process since 1973 and over the last 45 years its politics, economy, society and place in the world have been increasingly tied to Europe. On the eve of the UK’s departure from the EU, Professor Whitman untangled the intricacies of the Brexit process, looked at the state of play in the UK’s relationship with the EU and offered an assessment of the UK’s future place in Europe. Anne McNaugton’s response to the presentation focused on the economic implication of Brexit for the EU and Australia, and the opportunities for developing their bilateral economic relationship.
Public Lecture 2/6 (26 September 2019, 5.30–7pm)
Professor the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC, ANU Chancellor, delivered the 2019 Schuman Lecture titled “Europe at the Crossroads: Global Power or Also-Ran?” The ANUCES Robert Schuman Lecture series celebrates the remarkable achievements of European integration since its modest beginnings in the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, announced in a declaration by French Foreign Minister Schuman. The Australian National University has recognised this achievement and foresight by coordinating the annual Schuman Lecture since 1996.
Public Lecture 3/6 (13 November 2019, 2–3pm)
Jean Monnet Public Lecture “The EU after Brexit” was delivered by Pat Cox, former European Parliament President, and was hosted by ANUCES in collaboration with the Embassy of Ireland, Australia. Mr Cox shared his views on Brexit and what the future holds for the EU and Ireland in particular. Pat’s address provided interesting perspectives on the UK withdrawal, the EU after Brexit, the importance of the EU-Australia relationship.
Public Lecture 4/6 (27 February 2020, 8.30am–6pm)
A public lecture delivered by Professor Sjef van Erp on recent developments and implications of blockchain technology and smart contracts was part of the conference “Blockchain Technology, Data Management and Smart Contracts: Challenges and Opportunities” hosted by the ANU Centre for Commercial Law and the ANU Centre for European Studies. Blockchain and smart contracts are technological developments with significant implications for private law transactions in a range of areas. Blockchain or ‘distributed ledger technology’ (DLT) is already being used in the financial services sector and has great potential in a range of areas including land registration systems and global supply chains. These technologies also raise questions concerning data management, data protection, adjudication and dispute settlement. Professor Sjef van Erp is co-chair of the European Law Institute Project Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts which is aimed at providing policymakers, legislators and legal practitioners with a legislative guide, a toolbox, on how to approach questions in this emerging legal field.
Public Lecture 5/6 (17 August 2021, 11.30am–12.30pm)
The seminar “The EU's strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific: fostering a shared vision of the future” was delivered by Dr Fabio Spadi. The event was hosted by the ANUCES in collaboration with the National Centre for Research on Europe and the European Studies Association Australia and New Zealand. Dr Spadi talked about the EU’s new Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, launched in April 2021, and how this strategy recommits the EU to the Indo-Pacific region with the aim of contributing to its stability, security, prosperity and sustainable development. Dr Spadi was the Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to Australia, and the Head of the Political, Press and Information Section at the Delegation.
Public Lecture 6/6 (22 November 2021, 5.30–6.30pm)
Ms Lynette Wood, incoming First Assistant Secretary, Europe and Latin America Division, delivered the 2021 Schuman Lecture “Australia and the European Union: great expectations”. In September 2021, the EU announced its Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. Emphasising Australia being a significant actor in this region, Ms Wood, considered the roles that Australia and the European Union play – individually and together – in developing and delivering responses to prevailing challenges in the region and further afield.
Thematic Online Masterclasses
Thematic Online Masterclass 1/3 (2 October 2019, 9am–1pm)
Postgraduate Masterclass on EU trade and investment was delivered by Dr Ivana Damjanovic and Prof Ottavio Quirico. Investment and trade are critical and interwoven issues in the dynamics of international relations. The EU is undergoing a significant change in these areas, with regard to both internal and external relations. This Masterclass brought together a strong group of postgraduate students that left understanding the nuances and processes involved in EU trade and investment.
Thematic Online Masterclass 2/3
This Masterclass did not proceed as the associated Visiting Fellowship did not proceed due to the COVID pandemic. The call for Visiting Fellows was adapted to try and enable this element of the Centre’s activities to proceed. While the fellowship was awarded jointly to research collaborators Dr Hanna Norberg (located in Sweden) and Professor Michelle Egan (located in the USA), who had established these colleagues were unable to take up the Fellowship, even in the ‘distance model’ developed in response to Australia’s border closure.
Thematic Online Masterclass 3/3
Postgraduate Masterclass on Non-Fungible Tokens was delivered by Mr (now Dr) Jasper Verstappen, Lecturer, Department of Transboundary Legal Studies, Faculty of Law - University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Closer economic relations between the EU and Australia also concerns transnational issues concerning property, developments in technology and domestic regulation. Dr Verstappen specialises in property and contract law from a comparative perspective. His work is already attracting international recognition because of his ability to explain the technology as well as the doctrinal principles of law. The Masterclass was delivered to a strong group of postgraduate students providing them with detailed insights into developments at the cutting edge of law and technology in the context of economic integration and cooperation.
Presentation: /sites/default/files/docs/2023/6/ANU_Masterclass_-_NFTs.pdf
Academic Workshops
Academic Workshop 1/2 (24 June 2020, 7.30-9.30pm)
The workshop focused on planning the steps towards publishing an edited collection. The discussion included format of the invitation to the publication (open call or targeted writers), participation of ECRs, topics covering recent EU-Au developments, possibility to include topics extending beyond trade such as mutual recognition, barriers, culture. The participants included Alan Swinbank, Paul Gretton, Hazel Moir, Carsten Daugbjerg, Anne McNaughton and Katarzyna Williams.
Academic Workshops 2/2 (30 August 2022, 8:30am – 5:00pm)
The Centre’s principal objective is to identify opportunities for the EU and Australia to progress the bilateral economic relationship and to pursue shared objectives in regional and multilateral contexts. With a specific focus on the new generation of trade issues, the workshop aims to explore the contributions to the edited volume and foster an open academic dialogue. The workshop was opened by Mr Cornelis Keijzer, Minister Counsellor, Head of Trade, Economics, Research and Innovation, EU Delegation to Australia. Among the discussed topics were: Multilateral Context (Paul Gretton); WTO Myths and Reform Agenda (Robert Koopman); Securing Global Energy Supplies for the Future (Prof Matthew Hole); Digital Platform Regulation: Comparing the European and the Australian approach (Jasper Verstappen); Blockchain Technology and Trade (Prof Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl); Engendering Trust in Regulatory Cooperation (Anne McNaughton).
Program: /sites/default/files/docs/2023/6/Academic_Workshop_Invitation_Programme_Final.pdf
Policy Roundtables
Policy roundtable 1/6 (28 May 2019, 10:45-11.45am)
This inaugural Policy Roundtable, EU-Australia Economic Relation, followed a Steering Committee meeting in Canberra. It brought together academics, policymakers, journalists and members of the European diplomatic community, including European Union Ambassador to Australia, His Excellency Dr Michael Pulch and the Australian Government’s Chief Negotiator on the EU–Australia Free Trade Agreement Ms Alison Burrows. The aim was to initiate discussion on the opportunities for the EU and Australia to progress the bilateral economic relationship and on shared objectives in regional and multilateral contexts. It was also to reflect on the ways to identify relevant policies and enhance trade policy capacity. The discussion also focused on the implications of the Australian Federal elections and the Morrison government in relation to economic and trade liberalisation. Participants also reflected on the preliminary results emerging from the European Parliament elections and the likely impact this might have on EU foreign policy and trade relations with third countries such as Australia. The participants included: Jacqueline Lo, Annmarie Elijah, Hazel Moir, Paul Gretton, Anne McNaughton, Carsten Daugbjerg, Elizabeth Buchanan, and Steering Committee members: Alison Burrows (DFAT), Jason Collins (EABC), Michael Pulch (EUDEL), Bruce Wilson (RMIT).
Policy roundtable 2/6 (1 November 2019)
Czech Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Martin Tlapa visited ANUCES for Roundtable “Exploring the Czech Republic’s export system and economic diplomacy.” The Minister delivered a presentation on several issues, including the changes in the economy and international trade. He focused on the goods and services demanded by the global economy and the contributions that the Czech Republic can make. The challenges of such trade were also discussed with an emphasis on the risks associated with the potential ‘close’ of export markets. Adding to the value of exports and the share of services is a significant point of interest for the Czech Republic because it is one of the main factors contributing to the economy’s growth. The Roundtable brought together members of the European Diplomatic Community, senior economists from the Australian Public Service and ANU academics.
Policy roundtable 3/6 (15 October 2020, 11.30am to 12.30pm)
The Policy roundtable on Australia-EU FTA and geopolitical partnerships with Mr Andrew Sainsbury (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Counsellor, the Australian Embassy in Brussels) focused on: promoting the AU-EU FTA and strengthening geopolitical partnerships; implementing Australia’s public diplomacy to advance Australia's policy objectives; developing a better understanding of mutual interests; fostering the relationship of Australia and EU in the world. The roundtable was chaired by ANUCES Director, Anne McNaughton.
Program: /sites/default/files/docs/2023/6/Academic_Workshop_Invitation_Programme_Final.pdf
Policy roundtable 4/6 (25 February 2020, 2.00-3.30pm)
The ANUCES organized a Policy roundtable with Vice-President of the German Bundestag Wolfgang Kubicki. The discussion was focused on climate and migration. The participants included Mr Constantin Stellmach (Head of Office VP Kubicki), Dr Beatrice Gorawantschy (Director, KAS Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific), Eva Wagner (Programme Manager, KAS Australia and the Pacific), H.E. Dr Thomas Fitschen (Ambassador of Germany to Australia) and Kai Schaefer, (Political Affairs Officer), and ANU academics and affiliated fellows.
Policy roundtable 5/6 (17 December 2021, 11am–12:30pm)
ANUCES Roundtable Lunch was organized by ANUCES in collaboration with the Delegation of the European Union to Australia, European Australian Business Council, and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. The aim was to exchange views on priorities and interests for the coming year, and explore avenues for collaboration. Dr Wenting Cheng delivered a presentation on hydrogen and other research initiatives of great global importance. Among the participants were Mr Fedja Zlobec (First Counsellor, EU Del to Australia), Ms Maja Morgan (Junior Expert, EU Del to Australia), Mr Jason Collins (Chief Executive Officer, European Australian Business Council), and Ms Sophia Brook (Research and Analysis Foreign and Security Policy, KAS Australia).
Dr Cheng’s Presentation: /sites/default/files/docs/2023/6/W.Cheng_presentation.pdf
Policy roundtable 6/6 (16 August 2022, 11.00am-1.00pm)
Policy Roundtable with Mr Volkmar Klein, Member of the German Parliament and Deputy Chair of the Pacific Parliamentary Friendship Group, was organised by ANUCES in collaboration with KAS Australia. It focused on the interests and principles as well as the key fields of German policy in the Indo-Pacific region. The participants had an opportunity to familiarize themselves and discuss The Policy Guidelines for the Indo-Pacific Region. Germany – Europe – Asia: Shaping the 21st Century Together. The discussion also focused on opportunities for Germany’s cooperation in the region and its contribution in the overall EU strategy.
Stakeholder Training Workshops
Stakeholder training workshops 1/3 (26 November 2019, 9:30-4pm)
Stakeholder Training Workshop “Progressively ‘integrated’ foreign trade agreements: perspectives from Australia and the EU” brought together practitioners and academics to explore critically and interactively select key issues raised by the negotiation of progressively ‘integrated’ FTAs, particularly through the lenses of the EU and Australia. The workshop aimed at enabling participants to: 1). become familiar with key unresolved questions in the negotiation of progressively ‘integrated’ FTAs, critically examine issues of cross-border trade and data flows under EU and Australia FTAs, contextualise progressively ‘integrated’ FTAs, re-think emerging international economic issues and understand to what extent bilateral agreements are reciprocally consistent and compatible with multilateral agreements. During the workshop, relevant parts of the text of the EU-Australia FTA currently negotiated by the parties were clinically discussed. The workshop helped participants to develop interdisciplinary expertise and practical in-depth insights on key issues in EU-Australia economic cooperation. It was designed for policy practitioners, business and industry stakeholders and academic specialists. The workshop was also intended as a ‘laboratory’ to disclose opportunities for collaborative research between academics, policymakers and stakeholders. The event was not open to the public.
Flyer & Program: /sites/default/files/docs/2023/6/ANU_Stakeholder_Training_Workshop_2019.pdf
Stakeholder training workshop 2/3 (2 June 2022, 5–6.30pm)
The Lessons for the Hunter from the EU Green Deal seminar was organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Australia and the ANU’s Centre for European Studies, and focused on the EU Green Deal and the just transition mechanisms. A delegation from Canberra travelled to Newcastle for bilateral meetings with local stakeholders and experts, and a seminar organised in cooperation with the University of Newcastle’s Institute for Regional Futures (UON IRF). The EU Green Deal aims to establish Europe as the first climate neutral continent by 2050. Underpinning the Green Deal is the European Climate Law – the binding legislative framework for the delivery of their commitments. The speakers outlined how the policies of the Green Deal are helping Europe to move towards a carbon neutral future, and how Australia can embark on its own transition while considering our unique context. Facilitated by Prof Roberta Ryan (Executive Director of UON IRF), the seminar featured Hildegard Bentele (Member of the European Parliament, online), Scott Wyatt (Senior Advisor, Energy, Environment, Fisheries, Forestry, EU Delegation to Australia), Warrick Jordan (Coordinator, Hunter Jobs Alliance), Anne McNaughton (Director, ANUCES) and Bertil Wenger (Director, KAS Australia). The conversation focused on how the rule of law should be shaped to support the ongoing energy transition.
Stakeholder training workshops 3/3 (31 August 2022, 1am–12pm)
The COVID-19 global pandemic and associated international travel restrictions have had a substantial and ongoing impact on international student mobility. This workshop, “The impact of COVID-19 on international student mobility”, incorporated brief presentations from experts to facilitate wider discussion from participants, including government and peak body representatives and education providers. Key issues discussed included: What data is available to define the local and global impact of the pandemic to date? Will international student mobility partially or fully recover in 2022 and beyond? How have education providers and students maintained teaching and learning in the face of the pandemic? Which emerging approaches may persist after the pandemic is over? The speakers included Dr Steve Nerlich (Director, International Research and Analysis Unit, Australian Government Department of Education) and Phil Honeywood (CEO, International Education Association of Australia). The discussion was facilitated by the Director of the ANU Centre for European Studies, Ms Anne McNaughton.
Program: /sites/default/files/docs/2023/6/Stakeholder_training_-_Invitation_0.pdf
Visiting Fellowships
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for EU–Australia Economic Cooperation’s principal objective is to identify opportunities for the EU and Australia to progress the bilateral economic relationship and to pursue shared objectives in regional and multilateral contexts. During the life of the project, five Visiting Fellows were appointed to assist with this work.
Two scholars were appointed as 2019 Visiting Fellows: Prof Ottavio Quirico and Dr Ivana Damjanovic. Ottavio and Ivana were involved in researching investments issues in bilateral and multilateral contexts including joint efforts to reform investment dispute settlement globally. Their work explored how negotiations in investment protection between Australia, the EU, and/or its Member States can prospectively evolve, and the significance of an investment agreement in the context of global economic developments.
In spite of the challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, two scholars were appointed as 2020 Visiting Fellows: Professor Michelle Egan and Dr Hanna C. Norberg. Prof Egan is a political scientist who has worked on trade policy, Single Markets, non-tariff barriers and regulatory cooperation including work conducted at CEPS, CFR and Wilson Center. She has published on standards, regulation, non-tariff barriers and single markets. She has briefed US ambassador designates to Europe and recently worked on the think-tank G7 Recommendations in the trade working group. Dr Norberg is an independent researcher and trade policy advisor, Founder of Trade Economista, Initiator and Presidette of Trade Experettes, Co-founder of Trade Policy Research Forum and Co-Director of Digital Trade Policy. She is an economist who has worked on many of impact analyses through NBER based on CGE modelling related to trade policy for governments and international organizations (including EU, World Bank and OECD). She was part of the group that provided the widely cited TTIP reports. She has worked on an array of projects for national governments, in addition to working on Free Trade Agreements for the European Commission (e.g. South Korea, Japan, Canada, TTIP with the US), and Sustainability Impact Assessments (e.g. Mercosur, Andean countries, Central America, ASEAN, India and Libya).
Website (external):
Calls for visiting fellowships:
Additional events and activities
Conference in Melbourne (6-7 November 2019)
The members of the project (senior researchers and students) participated the conference “Europe in a Year of Transition: Challenges and Opportunities” co-hosted by the ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). They presented their research exposing it to critical feedback and discussed the forthcoming publication (edited collection).
Policy roundtable (28 February 2020)
It was organize as part of the conference “Blockchain Technology, Data Management and Smart Contracts: Challenges and Opportunities” and led by Professor Sjef van Erp. The aim of the roundtable was to bring together the issues and questions raised during the day for further examination.
Conference program:
Policy roundtable: EU–Australia FTA Roundtable with European Parliament’s International Trade Committee (INTA) (19 August 2022, 4:30-5:30pm)
The Roundtable gathered the visiting delegation from the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee, the EU Delegation to Australia, representatives from Australian Indigenous and female-owned SMEs, ANU staff and students to discuss issues concerning the EU-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The delegation heard from stakeholders their views and perspectives on how to make the FTA useful for all actors in the economy, particularly Indigenous businesses and the Australian SME sector more broadly. The Roundtable was chaired by Anne McNaughton, ANUCES Director.
Program: /sites/default/files/docs/2023/6/INTA_Roundtable_19_September_2022_0.pdf
The EUOzCEC produced 6 briefing papers, 6 policy notes and one academic publication (edited volume).
- 2019 Schuman Lecture: Europe at the Crossroads, Professor the Hon. Gareth Evans AC QC
- The EU after Brexit, Pat Cox
- Anne McNaughton in conversation with His Excellency, Dr Michael Pulch, EU Ambassador and Head of Delegation to Australia about the EU institutions and Member State sovereignty
- Anne McNaughton in conversation with His Excellency Pedro Rodrigues Da Silva, Ambassador of Portugal to Australia
- The Centre of Excellence for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation: Roundtable with Mr Volkmar Klein, Josh Woodyatt
- Australian Data Protection Law Post-Optus and Medibank, Joshua Woodyatt
Additional Briefing Paper
- Academic Workshop - Centre of Excellence for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation
Alliance for Multilateralism – An Australian View, David Ritchie AO
- Labelling Food: Organics and Geographical Names, Professor Carsten Daugbjerg and Adjunct Associate Professor Hazel V J Moir
- Discussing EU Strategy: Concepts of the Indo–Pacific and Connectivity, Thomas Baker and Ayden O'Neill,
- Multilateral Context for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation, Paul Gretton
- Academic Workshop - Centre of Excellence for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation (Initially planned as a Police Note, this work was expanded and publish as a Briefing Paper)
The Centre's Update Newsletters showcase the activities and achievements of the ANU Centre for European Studies:
- ANUCES Newsletter, December 2018:
- ANUCES Newsletter, July 2019:
- ANUCES Newsletter, December 2019:
- ANUCES Newsletter, December 2020:
- ANUCES Newsletter, December 2021:
ACADEMIC BOOK – edited collection:
The edited collection significantly contributes to the overall Centre of Excellence project, offering resources on EU-Australia economic cooperation, raising the academic profile of relevant work and ultimately contributing to public policy development. The book focuses on the new generation of trade issues, aspects relating to the developments in the law, governance and regulation around blockchain, smart contracts and technology research and future prospect, perhaps involving a perspective on the relationship of such technology and SMEs. The contributions bring out areas of current cooperation between Europe and Australia and more broadly opportunities and potential benefits from enhancing cooperation. The chapters have a general focus and be accessible to policy makers and advisors in senior coordination portfolios.
Contents: coming soon
Jean Monnet Public Lecture - Pat Cox: The EU after Brexit November 2019: Public lecture with Pat Cox, former European Parliament President, hosted ANU Centre for European Studies and the Embassy of Ireland, Australia. Mr Cox shared his views on Brexit and what the future holds for the EU and Ireland in particular. Pat’s address provides interesting perspectives on the UK withdrawal, the EU after Brexit, the importance of the EU-Australia relationship. The recording of the event can be found here.
Czech Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Martin Tlapa visits for Roundtable October 2019: The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation held a Policy Roundtable that brought together members of the European Diplomatic Community, senior economists from the Australian Public Service and academics from the ANU.
Postgraduate Masterclass on EU trade and investment October 2019: Investment and trade are critical and interwoven issues in the dynamics of international relations. The EU is undergoing a significant change in these areas, with regard to both internal and external relations. This Masterclass brought together a strong group of postgraduate students that left understanding the nuances and processes involved in EU trade and investment. The outline available is here, and a recording of the seminar can be found on Soundcloud.
Schuman Lecture - Europe at the Crossroads: Global Power or Also-Ran? September 2019: How well Europe’s major players address, collectively and individually, their current serious political, security, economic and social challenges, does have global implications, including for Australia. In this year's Schuman Lecture, Gareth Evans AC QC FASSA FAIIA argued it is very much in the general interest that Europe not continue to punch geopolitically below its global weight. Read the transcript here
Workshop: Barriers to and Priorities for International Trade in Services July 2019: This workshop brought together academics, policy-makers, trade negotiators, data specialists and trade consultants for an intensive discussion on some of the most important barriers to trade in services. There is great interest in services trade liberalisation in the trade treaty that is currently being negotiated between Australia and the European Union (EU). Identifying priorities for liberalisation is important for both parties. Workshop participants focussed in on two particularly important service industries – education services and financial services.
EUOzCEC Policy Brief 1: Alliance for Multilateralism - An Australian View July 2019: This is the first EUOzCEC Policy Brief and is published as Issue 3 of the ANUCES Policy Notes 2019 series. Written by ANUCES Distinguished Research Fellow and former Australian Ambassador to Germany, Mr David Ritchie AO, this piece was first published in June 2019 in the Berlin Policy Journal.
EUOzCEC Policy Brief 2: Labelling Food: Organics and Geographical Names July 2019: This is the second EUOzCEC Policy Brief and is published as Issue 3 of the ANUCES Policy Notes 2019 series. Written by ANUCES Europa Policy Labs Visiting Fellow Professor Carsten Daugbjerg and ANUCES Adjunct Associate Professor Hazel V J Moir.
EUOzCEC 2019 Visiting Fellows - The Centre has appointed Dr Ottavio Quirico and Ivana Damjanovic as its 2019 Visiting Fellows. Ottavio and Ivana will be involved in researching investments issues in bilateral and multilateral contexts including joint efforts to reform investment dispute settlement globally. Their work will explore how negotiations in investment protection between Australia, the EU, and/or its Member States can prospectively evolve, and the significance of an investment agreement in the context of global economic developments.
Seminar - Brexit: Implications for the EU and the UK 25 February 2019: This seminar by Professor Richard G. Whitman from the University of Kent untangled the itricacies of the Brexit process while looking at the state of play in the UK's relationship with the EU and offering an assessment of the UK's future place in Europe. A response from Anne McNaughton from the ANU College of Law followed, focusing on the economic implication of Brexit for the EU and Australia, and the opportunities for developing their bilateral economic relationship. Listen to the audio recording on ANU Soundcloud
Policy Roundtable - EU-Australia Economic Relations 28 May 2019: This inaugural Policy Roundtable followed a Steering Committee meeting in Canberra and brought together academics, policymakers, journalists and members of the European diplomatic community.

File attachments
- Academic_Workshop_Invitation_Programme_Final.pdf (PDF, 177.5 KB)
- 2020_10_15_Roundtable_Andrew_Sainsbury.pdf (PDF, 209.77 KB)
- Kubicki_Roundtable_Program.pdf (PDF, 105.37 KB)
- 25_Feb_2020_Kubicki_Roundtable_Participants_List.pdf (PDF, 145.72 KB)
- 17_Dec_2021_Roundtable.pdf (PDF, 262.26 KB)
- ANUCES_KAS_Roundtable_16_August_2022.pdf (PDF, 231.43 KB)
- INTA_Roundtable_19_September_2022_0.pdf (PDF, 221.35 KB)
- ANU_Stakeholder_Training_Workshop_2019_0.pdf (PDF, 132.93 KB)
- Stakeholder_training_-_Invitation_0.pdf (PDF, 253.5 KB)
- Program_-_Blockchain_Technology_Data_Management_and_Smart_Contracts.pdf (PDF, 160 KB)
- Ownership_as_management.vn4_.pdf (PDF, 345.89 KB)
- How_to_regulate_blockchain.vn4_.pdf (PDF, 285.42 KB)
- W.Cheng_presentation.pdf (PDF, 570.88 KB)
- ANU_Masterclass_-_NFTs.pdf (PDF, 1.17 MB)