EU - Australia Trade in Services
Key authors of the Trade in Services Briefing paper: ANUCES Visiting Fellows Sihui Ong and Steve Nerlich
This project focuses on planned services trade liberalisation negotiations between Australia, New Zealand and the European Union (EU). It investigates trade barriers in different service industries using the quantitative analyses of services trade restrictions prepared by the OECD and cross-matching this with actual services trade.
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Key authors of the Briefing paper are ANUCES Trade in Services Visiting Fellows Steve Nerlich and Sihui Ong (bios at the time of the visiting fellowship).
Steve Nerlich is a Jean Monnet Visiting Fellow with the ANUCES working on the Trade in Services Project. Steve is employed full-time as Director of the Australian Government Department of Education’s International Research and Analysis Unit, which is responsible for producing national data on international students, who either study in Australia or study Australian courses from overseas. He is also a part-time PhD student at the ANUCES, investigating the benefits arising from Australian university students studying abroad while completing an Australian qualification. Steve‘s background and current studies give him a keen interest in Australia’s trade in services, particularly in the area of education services — Australia’s largest services export.
Sihui Ong is currently working on trade and commerce in the financial services sector in Australia and the EU, as an ANUCES Visiting Fellow on the Jean Monnet co-funded Trade in Services Project. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics (Honours) from the ANU in 2018, and will be starting her PhD at Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario in September 2019. Sihui's interests lie in macroeconomics and monetary economics. She is particularly interested in how the banking system interacts with the economy, as well as the effects of various policy interventions. She is also exploring other fields in economics, in particular, international economics, encompassing topics relating to trade and trade policy.