Occasional Papers
The ANU Centre for European Studies Occasional Paper Series is an interdisciplinary series that aims to provide a concise overview of the latest research promoting greater understanding of issues relating to Europe, the European Union and the Europe-Australia relationship. The Occasional Papers serve as an information source for the preparation of submissions, media releases or reports for use by university students, government departments, diplomats and other interested parties, as well as the general public. The Occasional Papers respond with academic expertise to relevant issues as they occur. The papers showcase the range of research projects supported by the Centre through its appointment of highly qualified scholars, postdoctoral research fellows, adjuncts and associates, and by its competitive visiting fellowship program.
France and New Caledonia :Three Independence Referendums and an Impasse
Author/editor: Denise Fisher
Year published: 2022
Mrs Denise Fisher is a visiting fellow of the ANU Centre for European Studies. An Australian diplomat for thirty years, Denise served in Australian diplomatic missions...