Policy, Politics, Culture: EU Migration & Integration
Berlin Summer School: European Migration, Culture and Citizenship, July 2019
The Policy, Politics, Culture: EU Migration and Integration (PPCEUMI) network is focused on the study of third-country migrant integration in the EU through the lenses of politics, policy, governance, and culture. Policy- and solution-oriented, PPCEUMI focuses on the immediate period of pre-and point of arrival of migrants, as well as considering the longer-term process of integration. PPCEUMI provides a comprehensive avenue to improve EU and its member states’ implementation of best practice. The network will explore the politics of migration and integration, including the role of NGOs, the drivers of migration and integration, and the larger context of international mobility.
INTENSIVE COURSE: Migration, Culture, Citizenship
28 June to 1 July 2021 in Canberra, Australia
Applications close 17 May 2021