PPCEUMI Outcomes
PPCEUMI activities
To date, the PPCEUMI network has undertaken the following activities:
- Network meetings in Canberra and Singapore
- Round table in Canberra entitled 'Human Journeys in the Global Era', co-presented with Edith Cowan University, the C-Global Edith Cowan Centre for Global Issues, the Australian National Commission for UNESCO, the Australian National Museum, and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, 16 August 2018
- Policy Dialogue in Canberra entitled 'Border Control in the Neighbourhood: EU, Australia and the US, 24 August 2018
- Early Career Researchers Workshop in Auckland, New Zealand, 24-25 September 2018
- Public lecture entitled 'Lessons for Europe on the interdependence of asylum law' by Dr Daniel Ghezelbash, 24 September 2018
- Policy Dialogue in Singapore entitled 'Immigration Anxieties in Europe, Singapore and Australia: Facts and Frictions', 19 March 2019
- Berlin Summer School: European Migration, Culture and Citizenship, 7-12 July 2019
- Andrew Willcocks Ph.D. Presentation: Between sovereignty and international legal cosmopolitanism: a comparative investigation into irregular migrant detention in the European Union
- Workshop: Performing Europe's Past: knowledge exchange for interdisciplinary publication with the Routledge series Critical Heritages of Europe.
Further activities to come include:
- Network meetings
- Concluding Conference in Canberra
PPCEUMI publications
PPCEUMI Policy Brief 1: Pathways to Integration in Australia, published as ANUCES Policy Note Issue 2, 2018, written by Associate Professor Laurence Brown and ANU student Tanya Sim, October 2018.
PPCEUMI Policy Brief 2: Development in Migration Policy, published as ANUCES Policy Note Issue 3, 2018, written by Nicholas Simoes da Silva, December 2018.
PPCEUMI Policy Brief 3: Singaporean Migration and Integration Policy, published as ANUCES Policy Note Issue 2, 2019, written by Jasmine Khin, June 2019.
PPCEUMI Policy Brief 4: Australian Migration and Integration Policy, published as ANUCES Policy Note Issue 5, 2019 written by Nicholas Simoes da Silva, December 2019
PPCEUMI Policy Brief 5: Migration to and from Germany: Both a model and a cautionary tale, published as ANUCES Briefing Paper Vol.11 no.1, by Dr Bettina Biedermann and Professor Dr Heribert Dieter, July 2020.
Chapter: Dr Katarzyna K Williams and Professor Jacqueline Lo, ‘Can We Talk About Poland?: Intergenerational Translations of Home’, in Translating Worlds: Migration, Memory and Culture, edited by Professors Susannah Radstone and Rita Wilson (Routledge): http://bit.ly/translatingworlds
Chapter: Dr Katarzyna K Williams and Dr Mary Besemeres, ‘Literary Ambitions: The Polish-Language Press in Australia’, in The Transnational Voices of Australia’s Migrant and Minority Press, edited by Dr Catherine Dewhirst and A/Professor Richard Scully, https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030436384
Essay: Dr Katarzyna K Williams contributed a short essay on ‘Memory and Migration’ published in Griffith Review 69: The European Exchange: http://bit.ly/memoryandmigration
PPCEUMI Internship
Two intern students, Constantine Karouzos and Alexander Weltin, worked hard with PPCEUMI team members on short research projects focused on migration in Greece and Germany. Both research paper will be published soon!