Briefing Papers

The ANU Centre for European Studies Briefing Papers series is an interdisciplinary publication platform that aims to provide a concise overview of the latest research that promotes greater understanding of issues relating to Europe, the European Union and the Europe–Australia relationship.

The Briefing Papers provide an avenue for public outreach for a broad range of workshops, seminars, public lectures and conferences that form the Centre’s work program. They showcase the research projects supported by the Centre through its appointment of highly qualified scholars as staff members, postdoctoral research fellows, adjuncts, associates and visiting fellows selected through a competitive fellowship program.

The Briefing Papers are a ready information source for the preparation of submissions, media releases or reports for use by university students, government departments, diplomats and other interested parties, as well as the general public.


While the Briefing Papers will emerge primarily from the Centre’s work program, unsolicited contributions are also welcome. Authors should bear the following in mind: Papers should be approximately 4,000 words, inclusive of references, and comprise an overview or synopsis of research themes, aims and projected outcomes. Papers should be accessible to a non-specialist or non-academic audience; please avoid writing in an overly-dense style and avoid jargon or, where unavoidable, include a clear explanation and keep uses to a minimum. Citations should also be kept to a minimum but when used should be in-text, using the author date style. A short list of references, containing only works cited, should appear at the end. All briefing papers will be subject to double blind review prior to publication.

All enquiries and submissions should be directed to the series editors:

The Australia-Russia relationship

Author/editor: Matthew Sussex

Year published: 2024

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Shaping algorithms for uncertain futures: A summary of the Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab Workshop Series

Author/editor: Elizabeth T. Williams, Natasha Harvey, Joseph Guillaume, and Katherine Daniell

Year published: 2023

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Academic Workshop - Centre of Excellence for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation

Author/editor: Centre of Excellence for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation

Year published: 2023

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Liberal Democracy in Action - Background Paper

Author/editor: Rita Parker

Year published: 2022

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: A colloquium

Author/editor: Various authors

Year published: 2022

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Updated:  28 May 2021/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications