Policy Notes
The ANU Centre for European Studies Policy Notes series provides updates on research relevant to current policy debates. The Policy Notes showcase the work of the Centre across a range of issues.
Contributions to the series are welcome. Authors should bear the following mind; Policy Notes should be no more than 2,500 words. Papers should be accessible to a non-specialist audience. A short list of references containing cited works should appear at the end.
Enquiries and submissions should be directed to the series editors: europe@anu.edu.au
Multilateral Context for EU-Australia Economic Cooperation
Author/editor: Paul Gretton
Year published: 2022
- Quick Link: CES_-_Policy_notes_CoE_Gretton.pdf
Beyond Trade: An Overview of Recent EU Trade Treaties
Author/editor: Hazel V J Moir
Year published: 2020
Codifying Border Carbon Adjustments? Climate Clauses in EU Trade and Investment Agreements
Author/editor: Quirico, Ottavio
Year published: 2020
- Quick Link: ANUCES-policy-notes_issue2-2020.pdf
Trade in Services: The Domestic Reform Agenda
Author/editor: Moir, H & Nerlich, S
Year published: 2020
- Quick Link: ANUCES-policy-notes_issue1-2020.pdf
Discussing EU Strategy: Concepts of the Indo–Pacific and Connectivity
Author/editor: Thomas Baker and Ayden O'Neill
Year published: 2019
- Quick Link: ANUCES-policy-notes_issue1-2019_WEBx.pdf
PPCEUMI Policy Brief 4: Australian Migration and Integration Policy
Author/editor: Nicholas Simoes da Silva
Year published: 2019
On 19 March 2019, the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet network Policy, Politics, Culture: EU Migration and Integration (PPCEUMI) hosted a Migration Policy Dialogue at the National...
- Quick Link: ANUCES-policy-notes_issue5-2019_WEB.pdf
EUOzCEC Policy Brief 2: Labelling Food: Organics and Geographical Names
Author/editor: Professor Carsten Daugbjerg and Adjunct Associate Professor Hazel V J Moir
Year published: 2019
- Quick Link: ANUCES-policy-notes_issue4-2019_WEB.pdf