About ICP
In the last 20 years, the EU has consistently embraced an ambitious sustainable climate policy, centred on the emissions trading system under Directive 2003/87/EC, and other means, such as the expansion of renewable energy under Directive 2009/28/EC. The same cannot be said of all countries, for instance, Australia and the US, have embraced climate policies more reluctantly, but are now severely struck by global warming. Climate policies struggle with the absence of international consensus on sustainability and the need to ensure a competitive economic field globally. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has underscored the centrality of border carbon adjustments (BTAs) to ensure the viability and effective implementation of a ‘green deal’ aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In this respect, the negotiation of the EU-Australia and EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreements include a ‘climate clause’, in line with the sustainable development goals outlined by the UN. ICP explores these themes in order to provide relevant policy advice.
ICP develops interdisciplinary network research in the area of climate policies. The Project explores how the climate policy of the EU and other countries can be effectively implemented in the international arena. The research addresses two fundamental questions. Firstly, how to achieve consensus for the climate policies of the EU and other countries within and outside the UNFCCC regime; and secondly, how to enforce the climate policies of the EU and other countries without altering the global economic playing field, devoting specific attention to the energy sector.
The project builds on the research of the Project Coordinator, the research team and the specialised network, in the areas of economic and environmental regulation from a political, economic and legal perspective.
Contact: A/Prof Ottavio Quirico: Ottavio.Quirico@anu.edu.au
Project Members
Albert Ferrari, Research Associate, Climate Area, Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute, Italy, albert.ferrari@eui.eu
Alexandra Feruglio, Research Associate, Australian National University, Centre for European Studies, Canberra, u6662961@anu.edu.au
Alejandro Fuentes, Doctor of Laws, Senior Researcher, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI), Lund University, Sweden, alejandro.fuentes@rwi.lu.se
Alessandro Albanese Ginammi, Researcher, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, alessandro.albanese@unistrapg.it
Alfredo Ferrante, Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law, University of Pavia, Law Department, Italy, alfredo.ferrante@unipv.it
Alina Holzhausen, Research Associate in Environmental and Climate Change Law, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, PhD Student at University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, A.Holzhausen@BIICL.ORG
Andreas Hösli, PhD Candidate at University of Zurich, Switzerland, Swiss National Science Foundation, andreas.hoesli2@uzh.ch
Anne McNaughton, Director of the Centre for European Studies, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, anne.mcnaughton@anu.edu.au
Antonio Agresta, Researcher, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, antonio.agresta@unistrapg.it
Beate Sjåfjell, Professor, University of Oslo, Department of Private Law, Norway, b.k.sjafjell@jus.uio.no
Beatriz Martinez Romera, Associate Professor of Environmental and Climate Change Law, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, beatriz.martinez.romera@jur.ku.dk
Brad Davison, Research Assistant, European Union Centre of Excellence, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia, brad.davison@rmit.edu.au
Broneal Sarkosh-Nejad, Research Associate, Australian National University, Centre for European Studies, Canberra
Bruno Mascitelli, Professor, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia, bruno.mascitelli@rmit.edu.au
Chloe Ward, Research Fellow, European Union Centre of Excellence, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia, chloe.ward@rmit.edu.au
Emma Shortis, Research Fellow, European Union Centre of Excellence, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia, emma.shortis@rmit.edu
Emanuele Camillo Colombo, Professor of Economic History, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Università Cattolica, Milano, Italy, emanuele.colombo@unicatt.it
Frank Baber, Professor, California State University, US, and University of Lund, Sweden frank.baber@csulb.edu
Ivano Alogna Arthur Watts Research Fellow in Environmental and Climate Change Law, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, United Kingdom, i.alogna@biicl.org
Joshua Woodyatt, Research Associate, Australian National University, College of Law, Canberra joshua.woodyatt@anu.edu.au
Kasia Williams, Deputy Director of the Centre for European Studies, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, kasia.williams@anu.edu.au
Laura Magi, Associate Professor, Università di Firenze, Italy, laura.magi@unifi.it
Luisa Marin, Marie Curie Fellow, European University Institute, Italy, luisa.marin@eui.eu
Marcilio Toscano Franca Filho, Professor, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil, mfilho@tce.pb.gov.br
Marco Dordoni, PhD Candidate, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, marco.dordoni@unistrapg.it
Melanie Pill, PhD Scholar, Fenner School of Environment and Society, College of Science, Australian National University, melanie.pill@anu.ed
Micaela Frulli, Professor, Università di Firenze, Italy, micaela.frulli@unifi.it
Michael A Adams, Professor of Corporate Law and Governance and Academic Director, University of New England (Australia) Sydney campus. Michael.Adams@une.edu.au
Michael William Monterossi, Postdoctoral researcher in Private Law, University of Lucerne, Faculty of Law, Switzerland, michael.monterossi@unilu.ch
Natalie Arnould, Research Officer, Australian National University, Centre for European Studies, Canberra, natalie.arnould@anu.edu.au
Oran Young, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Institutional and International Governance, Environmental Institutions, UC Santa Barbara, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, young@bren.ucsb.edu
Ottavio Quirico, Associate Professor, Centre for European Studies, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University and University of New England, ottavio.quirico@anu.edu.au
Pablo Jiménez, Research Associate, Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, Centre for European Studies, and Adjunct Lecturer, University of Notre Dame Australia, pablo.jimenez@anu.edu.au
Patrizia Vigni, Associate Lecturer, University of Siena, Italy, patrizia.vigni@unisi.it
Peter Drahos, Professor of Law and Governance, European University Institute, Italy, Peter.Drahos@EUI.eu
Radu Mares, Associate Professor, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund University, Sweden, radu.mares@rwi.lu.se
Riccardo Puglisi, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Pavia, Department of Social and Political Sciences, riccardo.puglisi@unipv.it
Roberto Buizza, Professor, Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy, roberto.buizza@santannapisa.it
Sara Poli, Professor of EU Law, Department of Political Science, University of Pisa, Italy, sara.poli@unipi.it
Stefano Verde, Deputy Director of the Climate Unit, Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute, Italy, stefano.verde@EUI.eu
Stephanie Koorey, Visiting Fellow, Centre for European Studies, Australian National University, stephanie.koorey@anu.edu.au
Tineke Lambooy, Professor Corporate Law, Nyenrode Business University (Research Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance and Stewardship) and Research Fellow, Utrecht University (Center of Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law), Netherlands, t.lambooy@nyenrode,nl
Valentino Santucci, Associate Professor, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, valentino.santucci@unistrapg.it
Wenting Cheng, Grand Challenge Research Fellow, Australian National University, College of Law, wenting.cheng@anu.edu.au
Yulia Levashova, Assistant Professor, Nyenrode University and Associate Research Fellow, Utrecht University, j.levashova@nyenrode.nl