Dr Vito Breda

Dr Vito  Breda

Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Centre for European Studies

Email: Vito.Breda@usq.edu.au


2005: Doctor in Philosophy, the University of Edinburgh, the School of Law. Examiners: Professor Sir. N. MacCormick and Professor I. Ward. 1998: LL.M. European Academy of Legal Theory, The Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles / Goethe-Universität - Frankfurt/M. 1997: LL.B. Degree (Hon), Dottore in Giurisprudenza, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Facolta’ di Giurisprudenza (Honour Dissertation was Published with Prof Calvanese).

Professor in Comparative Law (Tier II, National Evaluation  2016, Rome), Doctor in Philosophy (Edinburgh), Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Cardiff). LL.M (Brussels- Frankfurt), LL.B (Milan), Web profiles hyperlink:  LinkedIn, USQ,  G-Scholar,  Research Gate Academic Appointments 2014 – present: Research Leader, School of Law and Justice, the University of Southern Queensland (Senior Lecturer in Law) 2009 – 2013: Lecturer in Law (Grade B), School of Law and Politics,  Cardiff, UK. 2004 – 2006: Lecturer in Law (Grade A), School of Law and Politics,  Cardiff,  UK. 2001-2004: Tutor in Law, the Law School, the University of Edinburgh, UK. 2002-2004: Legal Researcher, the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, UK. 1996-1997: Researcher Assistant, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Italy. Social  Media and News Breda V. Co- manager of the  Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics group (over 8500 Members Worldwide) Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2234588 Breda V.  Co- manager  of the   Comparative Law Blog:   http://comparative-law.eu/wp/ Breda V. Aprire il Mercato Della Ricerca, Corriere della Sera, Milan 30.04.2012 Advisory Board and Peer Review Editorial Board Membership (ad hoc and permanent): Oxford University Press (ad hoc), Cambridge University Press (ad hoc) Deusto Law Review European Journal of Political Theory, (ad hoc) Journal of Common Market Studies (ad hoc), Journal of European Integration, (ad hoc), The International Spectator (ad hoc), Pearson - Longman Publishing, (ad hoc), Routledge Taylor & Francis Group (ad hoc). Current and Past Academic, Administrative and Professional Responsibilities Research Leader, Comparative Law Group USQ, 2014 - Director of the Cardiff Law School Spanish Research  Programme, 2006- 2013. Membership of Professional Bodies and Learned Societies Member of the IVR International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy, Member of the Semiotic of Law Association, Member of the Society of Legal Scholars. Fellow, UK Higher Education Academy Qualifications 2009: Fellow at the UK Higher Education Academy, 2007: Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching - Level 6 and 7 - Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.

Books and Edited Collections BREDA V (2016). The Objectivity of Judicial Decisions: a comparative analysis of nine jurisdictions, Frankfurt : Peter Lang, ISBN: 978-3631675908, doi: 10.3726/b10610 BREDA V  Rodak L. (eds) (2016). Diverse Narratives of Legal Objectivity. p. 1-252, New  York – Frankfurt : Peter Lang, ISBN: 9783653983180 Articles BREDA V (2016). The Grammar of Bias: Judicial Impartiality in European Legal Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE SEMIOTICS OF LAW, vol. 1, ISSN: 0952-8059, doi: 10.1007/s11196-016-9489-2 BREDA V (2016). The Australian offshore detention regime: a constitutional reflection. QUADERNI COSTITUZIONALI, vol. 36, p. 813-816, ISSN: 0392-6664 BREDA V (2014). English Pragmatism and Italian Virtue: A Comparative Analysis of the Regime of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Civil Law Proceedings between Italy and England. MAASTRICHT JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN AND COMPARATIVE LAW, vol. 21, p. 428-443, ISSN: 1023-263X BREDA V (2014). How to Reverse the Italian Brain Drain: A Master Class from Australia. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, vol. 52, p. 64-77, ISSN: 1468-2435, doi: 10.1111/imig.12142 BREDA V (2013). La devolution de Escocia y el referéndum de 2014: cuáles son las repercusiones potenciales en España?. TEORÍA Y REALIDAD CONSTITUCIONAL, p. 69-88, ISSN: 2174-8950 BREDA V (2011). The odd case of the legal foundation module: reporting on student perceptions of e-learning at Cardiff Law School. JOURNAL OF COMMONWEALTH LAW AND LEGAL EDUCATION, vol. 8, p. 59-84, ISSN: 1476-0401 BREDA V (2006). A European Constitution in a Multinational Europe or a Multinational Constitution for Europe?. EUROPEAN LAW JOURNAL, vol. 12, p. 330-344, ISSN: 1468-0386, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0386.2006.00320.x4 BREDA V (2004). The Incoherence of the Patriotic State: A Critique of Constitutional Patriotism. RES PUBLICA, vol. 10, p. 247-265, ISSN: 1356-4765, doi: 10.1007/s11158-004-0828-x BREDA V (1998). La delittuosità degli immigrati nel Comune di Milano (1991- 1996): è vero aumento?. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI CRIMINOLOGIA, vol. 3-4, p. 517-528, ISSN: 1121-1717 Book Chapters BREDA V Over the Secular Ridge of Human Wants: The constitutional legitimacy of secular-state funding of chaplaincy programmes in Australia, A. Menuge (ed.), Religious Liberty and the Law: Theistic and Non-Theistic Perspectives, Routledge, 2017 ISBN: 9781138244474 BREDA V Constitutional Patriotism: Redux.. In: (a cura di): Sardoc Mitja, Handbook of Patriotism. 2017 (in print)  p. 1-21, ISBN: 978-3-319-54484-7 BREDA V Indigenous Australians and the Constitutional Reform: Learning from a Very British Experience, in Jennifer Nielsen, Patrick J. and Yung S. (eds). Constitutional Recognition of the First Australians: Theories and Comparative Perspectives, Federation Press, 2016 ISBN 9781760020781 BREDA V The Concept of Objectivity in the UK Supreme Court through a Comparative Looking Glass, in Breda V., Rodack L. (eds), Diverse Narratives of Legal Objectivity, Peter Lang, Oxford – Frankfurt, 172-185, 2016, ISBN-13: 978-3631653432 BREDA V., Rodack L., Introduction, in Breda V., Rodack L. (eds), Diverse Narratives of Legal Objectivity, Peter Lang, Oxford – Frankfurt, 1-9, 2016, ISBN-13: 978-3631653432 BREDA V Constitutional Patriotism and the Scottish Referendum,  in  Hulas  M. and Fel  S. (Eds),   Intricacies of Patriotism: towards a complexity of patriotic allegiance. Peter Lang, Oxford, 161-187, 2015, ISBN-10: 3631666209 BREDA V Lingering with Intent: The UK Constitutional Review, in Jovanovich M. (eds) Constitutional Review and Democracy, Eleven International Publishing, the Hague, 266-272, 2015, ISBN: 978-94-6236-512-4 BREDA V Sharia Law in Catholic Italy: A Non-Agnostic Model of Accommodation, A. Possamai, J Richardson, B Turner (eds), The Sociology of Shari'a: Case Studies from around the World, Springer, New York, 119 -137, 2015, 978-3-319-09604-9, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-09605-6_8 BREDA V An Odd Partnership: Identity-Based Constitutional Claims, In K. Rubinstein, M. Nollan, F. Jenkins (ed.) Modern Democracy, Alliance and Identity in a Globalised World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 52 -77, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-107-07433-0, doi: 10.1017/cbo9781139696654.006  BREDA V Balancing Secularism with Religious Freedom: in Lautsi v Italy the European Court of Human Rights Evolved, Manogue A. (eds), Legitimizing Human Rights, Ashgate, Farnham,  127-143, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4094-5002-3 BREDA V Constitutional Identities in a Liquid Society, Priban  J. (ed.), Liquid Society and Its Law, Farham, Ashgate, 153-173, 2007. ISBN: 9780754670728 E-print Sample: https://eprints.usq.edu.au/view/uniqueauthor/9069.html Research work that has been accepted for publication Books BREDA V (eds)  Legal Transplants in East Asia and Oceania, Cambridge University Press, 2018 (TBC) The Volume includes new unpublished essays from ; A. Harding (NUS),  H.P. Lee Monash) ,  J Corrin (UQ). Status: Under Review Contacts: Joe NG CUP Acquisitions Editor (Law and Social Sciences) [jng@cambridge.org] Alternatively:  Finola O’Sullivan Executive Publisher, Law  [fosullivan@cambridge.org]‎ BREDA V Constitutional Negotiations: A comparative analysis of Regionalist Negotiations. Comparative Law Elgar Monographs in Constitutional and Administrative Law series (Eds Rosalind Dixon, Susan Rose-Ackerman, Mark Tushnet), Cheltenham, UK. STATUS:  under contract , Date  TBC. Contact details: Amber Watts ‎[amber.watts@e-elgar.co.uk]‎ Assistant Editor Edward Elgar Publishing Draft due: 12/2017 Chapters BREDA V Constitutional Patriotism, in IVR Encyclopaedia of Jurisprudence, Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law,  M.N.S. Sellers and S. Kirste. Springer , NY 2017 STATUS:  accepted 01/17 Contact details:  Kirste Stephan [Stephan.Kirste@sbg.ac.at] Reviews BREDA V.  Interlocking constitutions: towards an interordinal theory of national, European and UN law by Louis I. Gordillo, Modern Law Review, 77 (3) (2014), ISSN: 0026-7961, doi: 10.1111/1468-2230.12084_3 BREDA V - Constitutional Futures Revisited, Britain's Constitution to 2020 (eds Hazell) Public Law , (2), 446 – 449 (2011), ISSN: 0033-3565 BREDA V - Jurisprudence of National Identity in New Zeeland, by Nan Seuffert, Social and Legal Studies, 18/4 , 567- 569, (2009), ISSN: 0964-6639, doi: 10.1177/09646639090180040703 BREDA V - Constitutional Dilemmas: Conflicts of Fundamental Legal Rights in Europe and the USA, by Zucca. L. Modern Law Review 72 (2) 325 -327 (2009), ISSN: 0026-7961, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2009.00746_4.x BREDA V. - Public Law and Politics by E. Christoduolidis and S. Tierney, Modern Law Review 72 (6), (2009) ISSN: 0026-7961, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2009.00780_4.x BREDA V Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Ninth Report. SCOLAG 328 -331 2005. Successful External Peer Reviewed Competitive Grant applications Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (Australia) 2017 – 2020 Co-investigator European Commission: 2009 - 2013: Co-investigator with Prof Gordillo (University of Deusto), European Commission, Erasmus+ , Module.                                                                   Australian National University: Fellowship programme 2010- 2011: Bursary holder Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra, European Commission: 2005-2010: Co-investigator, European Commission, Fifth Framework Programme. Democracy, Legitimacy and Identities: Citizens on the Construction of Europe’, EU Consent Network of Excellence in Research and Training, (5 million Euros) Info: http://www.eu-consent.net/ British Academy: 2005: Principal investigator, the British Academy, Overseas Conference Grants, The University of Edinburgh: 2000 - 2004: Principal Investigator, Small Projects Grants, the University of Edinburgh, Istituto per lo Studio Universitario (Padua) 1992 – 1997: LL.B Bursary Holder (for academic excellence). Successful  Internally peer reviewed applications: Cardiff University: 2009 – Date: Crime Narratives in Context (CNIC): A Cardiff Research Network Annual Papers Programme. Details at: http://www.cf.ac.uk/chri/research/cnic/index.html, Cardiff University : 2010 - 11 Cardiff – Madrid Workshop Series in Constitutional Decentralisation. Conferences Papers Invited and externally subsidised : 2016: The Objectivity of Judicial Decisions, The University of Brescia, Italy Judicial Bias and the Brexit, The University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain 2015: Constitutional  Law  and  Regionalism:  A  Comparative  Analysis  of  Regionalist  Negotiations, the School of law, The University of Edinburgh, UK 2014: Lawyers as Service Providers: Centre for International and Public Law, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Scottish Consultative Referendum over Independence: A Trail of Irresponsibility?, The University of Deusto, Spain, 2012: Judicial Objectivity: The Law School, The University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy, 2010: Keynote speaker at ‘Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised World’ International Conference organised by Centre for International and Public Law, Australia National University, Canberra, Australia, Identity Claims in Modern Constitutional Democracy, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2009: The Odd Case of British Constitutional Patriotism, Belgrade Law School, Belgrade,  Serbia, 2008: Ostriches and Foxes: The Constitutional Accommodation of Sub-State National Identities Claims, Bangor Law School, Bangor, UK. Other Peer Reviewed presentations:             2016 A Shrinking Vision of a European Constitutional Identity: Mass Exodus of Refugees, the Ginevra Convention, and a Legitimation  Crisis, Borders, Otherness and Public Law,  Berlin, I-CON, 2016 , Germany, 2015 a)         Over a Secular Ridge, World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Washington, US, 2012 An Odd Partnership: identity-based constitutional claims in modern democracy, Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law Honolulu, US. 2011 European Commission FP7 Ethics Review, how to pass it?, Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff, UK, The Concept of Objectivity, Human Rights in the UK and Europe. World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2008 The United Kingdom Constitutional Devolution: A New Development in Constitutional Theory? Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain 2007 Constitutional Identities and the case for a UK Constitutionals Reform, UK Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Durham, UK, A Reasonable Constitutional Theory and a Radical Politics of Identity, 23rd IVR World Congress, Cracow, Poland Constitutional Identities in a Globalised Society; Idiosyncrasy or Synergy? The Challenge of Multiculturalism and Interdisciplinary to Constitutional Rights, Joint Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (ISA), Onati, Spain

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