Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: A Colloquium

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: A Colloquium
The ANU Centre for European Studies, The Australian National University
28 and 30 March 2022
Moot Courts, ANU College of Law, 5 Fellows Rd, Acton
Register here
On 24 February, the Russian Federation commenced a mass assault against Ukraine and Europe saw the outbreak of the most destructive conflict on the continent since World War II. Since the beginning of the invasion, we have witnessed terrible and unprovoked aggression exercised by one state upon its neighbour, and the consequent humanitarian crisis unfolding in Europe.
Ukraine’s fierce resistance has surprised and inspired many, as has the clear unity of the rest of Europe and most of the rest of the world against the actions of the Russian government. Yet the toll of the war increases and fears are growing that the war between the two nations may escalate into a larger regional conflict and challenge democracy both in Europe and further afield.
The event is part of the ANUCES Jean Monnet project Liberal Democracy in Action (LiDIA). It aims to provide researchers, students and the wider community with a nuanced understanding of these hostilities within the context of global challenges to liberal democratic principles, values and norms.
Day 1: A diplomatic perspective from Europe
Date and time: 28 March, 3pm-6pm
Panel 1: Collective responses to shared challenges
- H.E. Dr Michael Pulch, Ambassador of the European Union
- H.E. Mr Michał Kołodziejski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland
- H.E. Ms Satu MattilaBudich, Ambassador of the Republic of Finland
- H.E. Ms Kersti Eesmaa, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia
Panel 2: The future of Europe’s security architecture
- H.E. Mr JeanPierre Thébault, Ambassador of the French Republic
- H.E. Ms Pernille Dahler Kardel, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark
- H.E. Dr Thomas Fitschen, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
- H.E. Ms Betty Bernardica Pavelich, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia
Day 2: Liberal democracies and threats to the rules-based international order
Date and time: 30 March, 9.30am-4.30pm
Australia’s leading authorities on Eastern Europe will examine Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from political, strategic, historical and cultural angles, and will reflect on the possible threat the conflict poses to the rules-based international order.
The speakers include Dr Robert Horvath (La Trobe University), Prof Paul Dibb (ANU), A/Prof William Partlett (The University of Melbourne), Dr Stephen Fortescue (UNSW), Mr Petr Kuzmin (President of Svoboda Alliance VIC), Mr Bertil Wenger (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung), Dr Matthew Sussex (Australian Defence College), Dr Sonia Mycak (ANU), Dr Elena Govor (ANU).
See the program here.