AFPL Outcomes
AFPL Events:
Water Operations for Uncertain Future – Workshop report
Between the 7th and 9th of June, the Water Operations for Uncertain Future Workshop (WOUF23) was held at The Australian National University. The interdisciplinary, futures-focused workshop brought together researchers, government employees, and industry professionals for three days of discussion and networking. Participants from Australia and overseas attended.
The first day consisted of a panel comprised of domestic and international members who pondered the question, "What water operations future could we build together?" This was followed by an evening networking event. The main workshop day centred around several concept pitches that were explored using the Open Space Workshop concept. Developed concepts were tested for practicality in a simulation session facilitated by an international guest. The workshop concluded with a debrief, ensuring that every participant left with knowledge about all the pitches.
On the final day of the workshop, participants visited the Snowy Hydro headquarters in Cooma. The morning was spent at the Discovery Centre, followed by a guided tour of the control room and a talk by a Snowy Hydro water operations employee.
The workshop was co-organized by the Institute for Water Futures at The Australian National University as part of the Water on the Horizon series and the One Basin CRC, in support of productive, resilient, and sustainable irrigation regions. Support for the workshop was provided by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union as the third workshop of the Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab.
WOUF23 was made possible with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The European Commission support for the Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab does not constitute an endorsement of the contents of the workshops or this webpage, which reflect the views only of the speakers or writers, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
For more information on the workshop, including the program, please visit:
Human-Machine Collaboration in a changing world 2022 – Workshop summary
Human-Machine Collaboration in a changing world 2022 (HMC22) was held on 1-2 December 2022 in Paris and online. This workshop focused on identifying challenges and opportunities presented by collaborations between humans and algorithmic systems (including artificial intelligence powered systems) in an uncertain world, with a particular focus on aspects of relevance to the EU and Australia.
Within the two-day workshop, HMC22 explored “What is human-machine collaboration?” from a multi-disciplinary perspective on day 1, and encouraged cross-disciplinary explorations of safety, responsibility and sustainability for systems involving human-machine collaboration on day 2. Both days also featured art demonstrations designed to foster creative ways of thinking about human-machine collaboration. The demonstrations were curated by Samuel Bianchini from École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs at PSL Universite Paris and Damith Herath from University of Canberra.
Some of the workshop videos will be available via YouTube shortly. Please visit for the full program and available video links.
Confirmed speakers: Alex Zafiroglu (ANU), Anna Ma-Wyatt (University of Adelaide and IRL Crossing), Guy Hoffman (Cornell), Primavera De Filippi (CNRS), Ken Goldberg and Ryan Hoque (UC Berkeley), Myriam Merad (CNRS LAMSADE), Nicolas Paget (CIRAD), Zena Assaad (ANU), William Lawless (Paine College), Simon McKensie (Griffith), Keoni Mahelona (Te Hiku Media), Dylan Cawthorne (U Southern Denmark), Jurrriaan van Diggelen (TNO), Caitlin Bentley (King’s College London), Delia Pembrey (Services Australia), Fred Roberts (DIMACS, Rutgers University) and Alexis Tsoukiás (CNRS LAMSADE).
HMC22 was a collaboration between ANU Centre for European Studies, ANU School of Cybernetics, ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society, University of Canberra, DIMACS at Rutgers University, CNRS LAMSADE and École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs at PSL Universite Paris.
For more details, including the program, please visit:
Social Responsibility of Algorithms 2022 – Workshop summary
On 13-17 June 2022, we held the Social Responsibility of Algorithms 2022 (SRA22) workshop. This 5-day virtual workshop attracted 119 registrations from all over the world and featured keynote talks from Doaa Abu-Elyounes (UNESCO, Harvard, Ecole Normale Superieure), Benedetta Brevini (University of Sydney), Solon Barocas (Cornell, Microsoft Research), David Ríos Insua (ICMAT, Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, Complutense University), and Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS, Grenoble). Each of the five days also featured workshopping sessions designed to bring participants together to explore emerging technological systems using a social responsibility lens, as well as panel discussions designed to generate discussions amongst participants who contributed abstracts to the programme. The full programme and videos for all publicly available sessions can be found on the SRA22 programme page.
Episodes 1-8 of the Algorithmic Futures Podcast were also produced in support of SRA22. All episodes can be accessed via the Algorithmic Futures website or most podcast players.
SRA22 was a collaboration between the ANU School of Cybernetics, ANU Centre for European Studies, ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society, DIMACS at Rutgers, and CNRS LAMSADE. It was held with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Information about the workshop series can be found here.
We are pleased to announce the following keynote confirmed speakers for SRA22:
Keynote speakers:
- Sihem Amer-Yahia, CNRS, Grenoble
- Doaa Abu-Elyounes, UNESCO, Berkman Klein Center, Ecole Normale Superieure
- Benedetta Brevini, University of Sydney
- Solon Barocas, Microsoft Research, Cornell University
- David Ríos Insua, ICMAT
See keynote speakers' bios here.
- Pia Andrews
- Fatma-Ezzahra Hadj-Ammar (1École supérieure en sciences et technologies de l’informatique et du numérique) and Meltem Öztürk (CNRS LAMSADE)
- Amir Asadi and Elizabeth Williams (ANU School of Cybernetics)
- Caitlin Bentley, Sara Vannini, Chisenga Muyoya, Susan Oman (University of Sheffield)
- Glen Berman (ANU)
- Charlotte Bradley (ANU School of Cybernetics)
- Robin Burke (University of Colorado, Boulder), Amy Voida (University of Colorado, Boulder), Nicholas Mattei (Tulane University), Nasim Sonboli (University of Colorado, Boulder), Farzad Eskandanian (DePaul University)
- Peter Coombes (ANU Crawford School of Public Policy; Urban Water Cycle Solutions)
- Ned Cooper and Ellen Broad (ANU School of Cybernetics)
- Memunat Ibrahim (ANU School of Cybernetics)
- Kathy Reid and Elizabeth Williams (ANU School of Cybernetics)
- Lorenn Ruster (ANU School of Cybernetics) and Katherine Daniell (ANU School of Cybernetics, ANU Fenner School)
- Julian Vido and Mina Henein (ANU School of Cybernetics)
Case Studies:
- Social responsibility of digital agriculture [Joseph Guillaume (ANU)]
- The 2019/2020 Australian Bushfires: Rethinking the relationship between technology, environment and society to better manage disaster responses [Felicity Millman (ANU) and Thomas (Rob) Hanson (Department of Treasury)]
- Watching the Great Barrier Reef: Trust in autonomous monitoring at scale [Lyndon Llewellyn (AIMS), Hannah Feldman (ANU), Elizabeth Williams (ANU)]
- Social responsibility at scale: A case study from the financial sector [Anna Leontjeva (Commonwealth Bank), Elizabeth Williams (ANU), Ellen Broad (ANU), Katherine Daniell (ANU), Charlotte Bradley (ANU), Kelly Frame (ANU), Brenda Martin (ANU), Lorenn Ruster (ANU), Juliette Parsons (ANU)]
- The multi-level perspective of mobility management during a pandemic: analysing the case of the Home Quarantine South Australia App [Amir Asadi, Ned Cooper, Memunat Ibrahim and Lorenn Ruster (ANU)]
Instructions for speakers: Tips for recording your talk, instructions for submitting your talk videos, and a link to the submission form can be found here.
AFPL hosts a book launch for Benedetta Brevini’s “Is AI Good for the Planet?”
AFPL podcast series